Regulation of fiscal transparency


There is a series of rules, norms and standards deployed to regulate and ensure transparent operations of the public sector. Some of them are incorporated in the national legal framework and constitute obligations pertaining to the operations of public institutions while some are generally accepted rules by which the states are bound and which the states use as commonly accepted good practices.

Such rules norms and standards guarantee the accountability and responsibility of assigned representatives of public institutions for the actions they take and decisions they make, ensuring that those do not reflect the pursuit of personal self interest.

All  information, data and documents at the disposal of public institutions which have been created by them and refer to their operations should be available to the general public within a reasonable period of time, in the format and manner which will be comprehensible and simple for the users.

National legal frameworks should clearly define the responsibility of public institutions and ensure that information is available at any time to the general public so as to allow involvement in the decision making process. Any generalization of responsibilities or partial regulation of public institutions allows them to avoid transparency as the most important principle they should abide by in their operations, and allow information holders to determine autonomously the scope and the type of information they will share with the general public. makes it possible for you to have access to important documents on the basis of which rules are put in place regarding the transparent and accountable fiscal/budget operations by public sector institutions in the Republic of Macedonia. All documents are in a consolidated text format and contain all amendments and supplements. To ensure easier access to the applicable norms and rules, there are extracts from the laws and regulations governing this subject area.

In this section we provide a detailed account of important international treaties, standards and initiatives regarding fiscal transparency and accountability, good management of public resources and the right of access to information.